Episode 9: Vertigo virgin
“Scottie is the worst detective ever.”

Roger Ebert loved it.
Hundreds of critics voted it the best movie ever made.
Beth Lewis’ response: meh.
In this episode of The Drunk Projectionist, Beth Lewis, movie fan, tells her lover why she doesn’t love the choices Scottie (Jimmy Stewart) makes.
“Scottie is the worst detective ever.”
“I have no respect for Scottie when he’s trying to turn her into Madeline. Because you think, ‘Why can’t he fall in love with the real Judy? … He’s not interested in a real woman, is he?”
Chris Attaway, a British audio producer, recorded Beth Lewis’ hot takes and weaved them into an engaging audio story: “I’ve Never Seen a Hitchcock. Vertigo. After.” That’s our movie-themed audio on this episode.
Chris is host of LEFT of the DIAL, a new music podcast on Spotify. Much of his other audio work can be heard on SoundCloud.