
John Waters In The (Criterion) Closet

The director of Female Trouble has always been out and proud. Still, John Waters recently ducked into the closet at The Criterion Collection to choose five of his favorite movies to take home. And since I keep a Waters candle and a Divine photograph perched on my desk, I took special note of the five Blu-Rays the Filth Elder added to his personal collection.

Beyond The Valley of the Dolls was a top Waters choice. Written by Roger Ebert, Waters claims Dolls is the critic’s finest cultural contribution. “It's the best thing he ever wrote,” Waters says. “This is what Roger Ebert should be remembered for.”

Waters also zoomed in on other cult classics, grabbing copies of The Blob (1958), Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992) and The Honeymoon Killers (1969). Although Steve McQueen starred in The Blob, Waters dug the theme song more, calling it his all-time favorite movie theme song. He’s right. It’s weird and wonderful.

Lest you think Waters isn’t into respectable fare, he also grabbed a copy of 8 1/2 (1963), which he remembers watching while tripping on acid.

The Criterion Collection video featuring Waters is here.